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Introduction To Form Controls


Now let's talk about another type of form control called the checkbox. Checkboxes can be either checked or unchecked. Just like flipping a light switch, there are only two options. If a checkbox is unchecked, it is a hollow square. If a checkbox is checked, it has an x or checkmark in it. Your screen reader will tell you whether it is checked or not. Read through the set of checkboxes below and listen for which ones are checked and which ones are not.

Please send me your newsletter!
Check here to default to these payment options in the future.
I agree to the terms of service and privacy policy.
Install Google Chrome

You can also have an unavailable checkbox like this one:
Please send me lots of spam
In order to check or uncheck a checkbox, you press the space bar on it. Try this on the examples below.
Please send me your newsletter!
Check here to default to these payment options in the future.
I agree to the terms of service and privacy policy.
Install Google Chrome

You may have noticed that you do not need to turn focus mode on to check a check box. You can turn it on, but you don't have to.

Radio buttons

Web designers use radio buttons when they want you to be able to pick only one item from a group of items. A radio button that is unchecked is an empty circle. When a radio button is selected, a dot appears in the middle of the circle. You select a radio button just like a checkbox, by hitting the spacebar. If you select one radio button, and then select another one, the one that you selected first will become unselected. Try this out on the radio buttons below.

What do you think about golf? I love it. It's boring It's fun to play, but boring to watch.

You may notice that just like with checkboxes, you don't need to turn focus mode on to select a radio button. Here are a couple more sets of radio buttons to practice on:

Choose your favorite animal: aardvark dolphin lion hippo cobra

Choose your favorite soda:
Coke Mountain Dew Diet Coke Sprite root beer orange

So that is an introduction to checkboxes and radio buttons. Click on the link below to practice .Take me to a practice form